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DISTRAÍDA. Larissa de Jesus Negron’s debut solo show in London Friday 10th March 2023

Larissa de Jesus Negron’s debut solo show in London: Guts Gallery is excited to present ‘Distraída’, a solo exhibition by Larissa De Jesús Negrón which explores the permanent state of distraction that we seem to find ourselves in every day

DISTRAÍDA. Larissa de Jesus Negron’s debut solo show in London Friday 10th March 2023

The loss of presence is a theme that pervades the entirety of ‘Distraída’. In her daily life, De Jesús Negrón explains that she often finds herself wrapped up in what spiritual writer Eckhart Tolle calls ‘psychological time.’ For De Jesús Negrón, one does not simply live in the here and now. Instead, at any moment, one could be telescoping between past, present and future simultaneously. De Jesús Negrón describes finding herself gripped by instances where she becomes “obsessed with” moments of the past and instances where she can’t stop herself from mulling over “future scenarios” that have not yet and may never occur. ‘Distraída’ showcases De Jesús Negrón’s use of painting as a way to reconcile and work through the often chaotic jumble of modern, psychological life. Throughout the show, De Jesús Negrón depicts the drama of an unfiltered mind as ideas, images, potential situations and past memories race through it. The result is a show full of introspective, psychological landscapes and absurd, neo-surreal dioramas; De Jesús Negrón’s unquiet mind has been turned inside out and revealed to the viewer.


The natural world is also an overarching theme within the works in ‘Distraída’. De Jesús Negrón finds that, when the noise of internal self-doubt and uncertainty reaches an intolerable pitch, she can look to nature tore-ground herself. She explains that the “chaotic, unpredictable yet perfect order” of the natural world never ceases to bring her “peace of mind in the midst of anxiety and confusion.” For De Jesús Negrón, nature reminds her that we, as humans, are part of something greater. In a world that constantly tries to sever and conceal our inextricable ties to the natural world, De Jesús Negrón recognises that it is essential to stop and acknowledge our place in the larger ecosystem. This ‘retethering’ to nature is exemplified throughout the works within ‘Distraída.’ Whether it be turbulent seas, cool flowing rivers, lunging snakes or a solitary fly; the natural world is a constant, irrefutable presence in all of De Jesús Negrón’s work.

Primarily focused on the interpretation of nostalgia through the narrative of isolation in the confines of interior spaces. Larissa invites the viewer to get lost in reflection and existentialism through her richly textured, stylistically varied, at times disorienting spaces and portraits.

Larissa De Jesús Negrón is a multidisciplinary artist who yearns for introspection and finds self-evaluation through her intimate and often otherworldly spaces and portraits. Her stylistically varied and neo-surreal imagery is linked to the artist’s curiosity of the subconscious and psychoanalysis. Through her work, Larissa has a profound interest in healing and addressing her childhood and adult trauma. These mundane moments of despair, fear and excitement are brought to the eyes of the viewer as a cathartic way to connect. Existential themes such as the expectations of women in society, the vitality of nature, using humour as a coping mechanism and the power of storytelling as a tool for healing are all present in her work.  


Larissa was born and raised in Puerto Rico. Throughout twenty years, she lived in several municipalities such as Guaynabo, Trujillo Alto and Caguas. Her commitment to art making began as early as nine years old, where she excelled in the drawing classes her mother signed her up for. Larissa went on to study middle school and high school at Central High, the most well-regarded specialized art school in Puerto Rico. Graduating with the highest honour the school has to offer, Larissa continued her education at The School of Plastic Arts in Old San Juan where she began majoring in Drawing and Painting. After two years, she transferred to Hunter College in NYC where she got her BFA degree with high honours in 2017.



Mar 1, 2023

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